Capturing satisfaction of visitors


The well known automotive brand improved their visitors knowledge in dealerships


Peugeot invests a lot of money and time into customer satisfaction surveys. They hire people with questionnaires and process manually the surveys. The process is too slow and not accurate. Peugeot was looking for a better solution capturing all visitors analytics, even their satisfaction.


Peugeot is now able to determine customer satisfaction based on emotion detection, precious insights collection and customer analytics in real-time. Piximate offers the possibility for dealerships to run offline lead scoring and, for instance, be automatically notified when a visitor is returning in a dealership and seems likely to buy.


+50% plus rapide
+50% plus précis
-50% de budet

Fabrice Fabian

Director Peugeot

“ We have tried a lot of different tools. They did not really give us enough value. We are very picky about the quality of our suppliers. Piximate was a hit for us. “

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